by Martin | Nov 14, 2020 | movies, reviews
Ah yes, the London Film Festival. I remember that. Well it did happen this year, it was just ‘different’ – they even tried to suggest that the festival we had (mostly online) represented some kind of exciting innovation rather than an attempt to pretend...
by Martin | Oct 3, 2020 | movies, reviews
IL MOSTRO DELLA OPERA (1964) In the days before the cities became tombs and the cinemas morgues I went to a showing of this obscure Italian film at the Barbican on a Saturday morning, only to discover that I was encroaching upon a Phantom Of The Opera symposium. Who...
by Martin | Aug 21, 2020 | movies, reviews
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the cinema… it IS safe. Oppressively so. I don’t know about you but walking into a room full of people in surgical masks doesn’t ‘make me feel safe’ – it makes me feel uneasy. And so I...
by Martin | Aug 5, 2020 | movies, reviews
EYEBALL The original Italian title of Umberto Lenzi’s Eyeball translates as Red Cats In A Glass Labyrinth, which makes very little sense and is all the more impressive for it. However, there is no doubt that Eyeball is more to the point. This giallo is about a...
by Martin | Jul 28, 2020 | movies, reviews
Before he (apparently) disappeared into thin air, Emilio P. Miraglia made a couple of films blending the giallo with the Gothic, 1971’s The Night Evelyn Game Out of the Grave, and this, his last film. The giallo and the Gothic are simultaneously very different...
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