by Martin | Jan 26, 2020 | movies, reviews
There’s often a sense in SF films, especially those of the 50’s, that the real subjects of interest are not giant mantises or bug-eyed aliens but women. This is made explicit in director Robert Gordon’s 1955 film It Came From Beneath The Sea (1955)...
by Martin | Jan 26, 2020 | movies, reviews
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS (1991) Showing in the ‘Treasures From The Archive’ section at the LFF, Nina Menkes’ Queen of Diamonds features her sister Tinka playing a character who, in the director’s words, ‘hasn’t learned to say hello’. In keeping with her air of...
by Martin | Jan 19, 2020 | movies, reviews
TREMORS According to writer-director Jayro Bustamente only about four films are made in Guatemala per year. I have now seen two, which pretty much makes me an expert in Guatemalan cinema. I could probably write a book on it. Not to be confused with a Kevin Bacon film...
by Martin | Jan 5, 2020 | movies, reviews
VIVARIUM Director Lorcan Finnegan and writer Garrett Shanley’s second film sadly doesn’t manage to fulfil the promise of their previous feature, 2016’s Without Name. The LFF brochure compares it to The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror but while it could pass...
by Martin | Dec 15, 2019 | movies, reviews
Ever since I coined the term ‘enlightened horror’ three seconds ago there has been, I expect, a massive reaction on the internet, most of it negative (‘Enlightened horror? – enfeebled horror more like!’) and I can quite understand. The idea of...
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