by Martin | Nov 5, 2017 | movies, reviews
DHOGS I’m a genre lightweight really, a dilettante. Of all the films I saw at Frightfest this year, only one – The Glass Coffin – could really be called a horror film, and that was probably the least of them. Why, I wasn’t even wearing a black...
by Martin | Oct 1, 2017 | movies, reviews
FASHIONISTA As regular readers would know (if they existed), Frightfest usually marks the one time in the calendar year where I don’t go to the cinema alone: Dave comes along. Or at least he does for part of the time before he has to duck out due to work...
by Martin | Sep 23, 2017 | movies, reviews
Some kind of religious revival seems to be going on outside Frightfest’s new (old) home, the Cineworld (formerly Empire) Leicester Square. A sign saying ‘Repent or Perish’ has been held aloft. I wonder if this is particularly aimed at the Frightfest...
by Martin | Sep 16, 2017 | movies, reviews
Outside the screen at the BFI stands horror film critic and musician Stephen Thrower (author of several enormous books on horror films which I would love to read if only I had the time – and money) next to a cake in the shape of a four-poster bed – though...
by Martin | Sep 16, 2017 | movies, reviews
HOUNDS OF LOVE In 1987 sullen Australian teenager Vicki (Ashleigh Cummings) seethes with resentment at her mum, who has chosen to split with surgeon dad, necessitating a move to a seedier part of town – still, things could be worse, as she soon discovers when...
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