by Martin | Feb 18, 2017 | movies, reviews
THE CHILDHOOD OF A LEADER This is out on DVD now, I discovered it in Sainsbury’s, the cast staring balefully out at me from the cover and seeming to condemn me for my lack of professionalism in not getting round to review this back in September 2016, when...
by Martin | Jan 29, 2017 | movies, reviews
EYES OF MY MOTHER This curious little black-and-white number, from America, has received some acclaim but to these eyes was not quite curious enough. It’s the story of Francisca, who at the start of the film is a young girl leading an idyllic existence in a...
by Martin | Jan 15, 2017 | movies, reviews
THE UNTAMED This London Film Festival showing represented my first visit to the Picturehouse Central. Entering, you feel like you’ve walked into a bar, and a busy one – and you have. Retreating in horror from all this socialising, which is not what I come to the...
by Martin | Jan 8, 2017 | movies, reviews
FURTHER BEYOND This is a film about the making of a biopic about Ambrosio O’Higgins, who – back in the 18th century – travelled from Ireland to Spain to Chile, where he became quite a big deal and his son Bernardo even more of one. In a Tristram Shandy...
by Martin | Dec 3, 2016 | movies, reviews
Blair Witch The woods! A simple enough phrase but so ominously evocative – I was quite intrigued on discovering that director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett’s film The Woods was due to premiere at Frightfest this year. I found much to enjoy in...
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