by Martin | Aug 7, 2016 | movies, reviews, Uncategorized
In the prologue to this plot-free Italian zombie opus, also known as The Nights of Terror, a professor raises the dead from an Etruscan tomb just in time for the arrival of a group of privileged merry-makers down for a weekend at the adjoining country house. With one...
by Martin | Jul 23, 2016 | movies, reviews
Sometimes all you need is a title – how can either of these films turn out to be anything other than disappointments? But this is the case with so much in life, and even before sitting down to watch them – in fact long, long before – I have already adjusted to...
by Martin | Jul 23, 2016 | movies, reviews
Into my life comes a dumpbin full of DVD’s at £3.00 each, temporarily arresting my progress through Fopp. Movie Legends. They don’t look promising. Murky covers and nothing on the back but a plot summary (that does however, in the case of Attack, include...
by Martin | Jun 11, 2016 | movies, reviews
I seem to remember this showing late at night on ITV back in the 70’s, but I never bothered to stay up watching it, and quite rightly as I was surely too young to appreciate how bad it is. Now it’s showing on a Saturday morning on Movies4men, at a time...
by Martin | May 29, 2016 | movies, reviews
Early reports of this film had audiences scandalised by the sight of star Leonardo di Caprio being raped by a bear. Three times. I suspect that this was hype worked up by the studio’s marketing department, but I suppose it depends on whether you think people are...
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