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Three Against Nature

Three Against Nature

THE SAILOR WHO FELL FROM GRACE WITH THE SEA (1976) ‘An insult to any audience’ concludes the review of Lewis John Carlino’s film The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea (hereafter referred to as Sailor) in my damaged-in-transit...
Cold-Blooded Beast / Bloodsucking Freaks

Cold-Blooded Beast / Bloodsucking Freaks

COLD-BLOODED BEAST (1971) 88 Films’ Italian Collection yields this giallo in which a masked murderer stalks an all-female (the patients not the staff) mental institution but the occupants are all too busy playing with themselves and each other to notice, at...
A Brexit Trilogy

A Brexit Trilogy

GOD’S OWN COUNTRY (2017) Brexit – is it humanity asserting its freedom to be perverse in the face of global capitalism, or is it just a backward-leaning movement composed of people whose preciousness about their ‘British identity’ makes you wonder...
Frightfest Halloween 2017

Frightfest Halloween 2017

Yes I know instant reaction is very much the thing on the internet but Unworldly Views is making a stand against all that – when you put something on the internet, so I’m told, it’s there forever. So what’s the hurry? Forget New Year then – we...
New Year’s Evil (1980) / Bloody New Year (1987)

New Year’s Evil (1980) / Bloody New Year (1987)

New Year is, as everybody knows, a massive anticlimax. We all get frantically excited about what turns out to be just a glib transition into more of the same. Here are two films (showing in the BFI’s Cult strand) which try to give New Year some genuine...