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The Devil Outside / Permanent Green Light

The Devil Outside / Permanent Green Light

THE DEVIL OUTSIDE In writer-director Andrew Hulme’s second film (after gangster drama Snow In Paradise, which I haven’t seen but will be sure to catch up with – no doubt on London Live – one day) our adolescent hero Robert (Noah Carson) finds the...
Frightfest Halloween 2018

Frightfest Halloween 2018

Yes I know, we are already well into 2019 but let me take you back, BACK to when the self-service checkouts in Poundland were still speaking in the voice of Bela Lugosi (‘Have a spooooky day!’) In truth I wasn’t all that inspired by the films on...
Mandy / Knife + Heart / Suspiria

Mandy / Knife + Heart / Suspiria

MANDY Mandy sold out very quickly at the London Film Festival, so I was pleased, having failed to secure a ticket, to see that it was showing in that very same week at the Prince Charles Cinema, which meant that I could see it for a fiver rather that sixteen quid. It...
LFF 2018: Holiday / This Teacher / Cam

LFF 2018: Holiday / This Teacher / Cam

HOLIDAY I took over a week’s holiday for the London Film Festival in 2018. This leaves me with no anecdotes about my experiences when I get back to work but it means that I can ‘visit’ many different countries without the hassle of actually having to...
LFF 2018: Tumbbad / The Nightshifter

LFF 2018: Tumbbad / The Nightshifter

TUMBBAD Indian horror films are something of a rarity, but Kothanodi was one of my highlights of 2015’s London Film Festival, and that was a horror film – sort of. This one, my first film of this year’s festival, definitely is – or wants to be. It...