by Martin | Jan 8, 2017 | movies, reviews
FURTHER BEYOND This is a film about the making of a biopic about Ambrosio O’Higgins, who – back in the 18th century – travelled from Ireland to Spain to Chile, where he became quite a big deal and his son Bernardo even more of one. In a Tristram Shandy...
by Martin | Dec 3, 2016 | movies, reviews
Blair Witch The woods! A simple enough phrase but so ominously evocative – I was quite intrigued on discovering that director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett’s film The Woods was due to premiere at Frightfest this year. I found much to enjoy in...
by Martin | Oct 23, 2016 | movies, reviews
In theory this could be my ideal film, uniting art and trash with no middle ground; but there’s a difference between theory and practice. I remember years ago, when I used to work in Waterstones, looking at the cover of the book this is based on and wondering if...
by Martin | Oct 23, 2016 | movies, reviews
MAN UNDERGROUND Or do I mean Day Four since I skipped Day Three? Oh what the hell. Nobody’s paying me to do this. By this stage (Bank Holiday Monday) ‘not really horror’ (a term coined by Anton Bitel in a recent article for Sight and Sound online)...
by Martin | Oct 22, 2016 | movies, reviews
FURY OF THE DEMON On day two I returned unaccompanied to Shepherd’s Bush as Dave had to get up early on Sunday, but another recurring character in this blog – Michael Blyth, BFI cult film programmer – was sitting nearby for the first two screenings,...
by Martin | Sep 24, 2016 | movies, reviews
This year Frightfest disconcerted me by moving temporarily to the Vue in Shepherd’s Bush. I don’t like change. As we sat in the Pizza Express near Soho Square beforehand, which is where we always go on Frightfest Friday, Dave tried to reassure me by...
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