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So This Is Real Life – Three Documentaries

So This Is Real Life – Three Documentaries

FURTHER BEYOND This is a film about the making of a biopic about Ambrosio O’Higgins, who – back in the 18th century – travelled from Ireland to Spain to Chile, where he became quite a big deal and his son Bernardo even more of one. In a Tristram Shandy...
The Woods Have Legs – Three Films

The Woods Have Legs – Three Films

Blair Witch The woods! A simple enough phrase but so ominously evocative – I was quite intrigued on discovering that director Adam Wingard and writer Simon Barrett’s film The Woods was due to premiere at Frightfest this year. I found much to enjoy in...
Pride And Prejudice And Zombies

Pride And Prejudice And Zombies

In theory this could be my ideal film, uniting art and trash with no middle ground; but there’s a difference between theory and practice. I remember years ago, when I used to work in Waterstones, looking at the cover of the book this is based on and wondering if...
Frightfest 2016 Day Three

Frightfest 2016 Day Three

MAN UNDERGROUND Or do I mean Day Four since I skipped Day Three? Oh what the hell. Nobody’s paying me to do this. By this stage (Bank Holiday Monday) ‘not really horror’ (a term coined by Anton Bitel in a recent article for Sight and Sound online)...
Frightfest 2016 Day Two

Frightfest 2016 Day Two

FURY OF THE DEMON On day two I returned unaccompanied to Shepherd’s Bush as Dave had to get up early on Sunday, but another recurring character in this blog – Michael Blyth, BFI cult film programmer – was sitting nearby for the first two screenings,...
Frightfest 2016 Day One

Frightfest 2016 Day One

This year Frightfest disconcerted me by moving temporarily to the Vue in Shepherd’s Bush. I don’t like change. As we sat in the Pizza Express near Soho Square beforehand, which is where we always go on Frightfest Friday, Dave tried to reassure me by...