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Slack Bay (2016) / Zombie Lake (1977)

Slack Bay (2016) / Zombie Lake (1977)

It was last November that I went to the Cine Lumiere to catch up with the latest offering from Bruno Dumont, showing at the French Film Festival, and it has taken me up until now to process it. In fact that’s a lie – I still haven’t processed it. In Slack...
A Cure For Wellness

A Cure For Wellness

A slice of Hollywood Eurogothic from Gore Pirates of the Caribbean Verbinski, this begins quite promisingly in a vein of deadpan camp – a mode which serves it well enough until it goes (almost literally) down the toilet. Lockhart (Dane DeHaan), a young, reptilian Wall...


Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival brings to our attention something about contact with alien life forms that to my knowledge hasn’t been thoroughly explored up until now – how boring it might be. That’s not to say that the film itself is boring – although...
The Secret of Dorian Gray (1969)

The Secret of Dorian Gray (1969)

Ah, Valentine’s Day – my favourite feast day, since my single status means I don’t have to observe it. Nevertheless I was moved to recognise it to the extent of braving rail replacement services to get to the Barbican, where film programmer Josh Saco (aka...
The Bat (1959)

The Bat (1959)

This comes from a cheap and pretty random box set of ‘horror’ DVD’s I got as a Secret Santa present – thanks, Lorraine! – so there’s no frills here, no trailer or ‘Making Of’: they barely manage to give you the film itself....