by Martin | Aug 5, 2017 | movies, reviews
EYES OF FIRE (1986) This, Josh Saco explains, is a ‘lost’ film, and just because it is here tonight screening in front of us that doesn’t mean it has been found again. I mean, who are we to ‘find’ it? Even the director, Avery Crounse, was...
by Martin | Jul 9, 2017 | movies, reviews
In an unusual attempt at consistency I thought I’d review this folk horror season curated by Cigarette Burns (Josh Saco), consisting of four films showing at the Barbican during May, the first being: THE COMPANY OF WOLVES (1984) Only I didn’t go to that...
by Martin | Jun 18, 2017 | movies, reviews
It’s a truism that when horror goes wrong it can easily turn into comedy – but what happens when a horror comedy goes wrong? Microwave Massacre, available on Arrow Video, provides one possible answer – a vision of Hell made all the more hellish by the...
by Martin | May 21, 2017 | movies, reviews
GET OUT In Get Out a black American guy Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) goes with his white girlfriend Rose (Allison Williams) to visit her (rich) family, only to find them a little overbearing in their acceptance of him. Sure, they’re liberal, but as he wearily agrees...
by Martin | Apr 22, 2017 | movies, reviews
It was last November that I went to the Cine Lumiere to catch up with the latest offering from Bruno Dumont, showing at the French Film Festival, and it has taken me up until now to process it. In fact that’s a lie – I still haven’t processed it. In Slack...
by Martin | Mar 25, 2017 | movies, reviews
A slice of Hollywood Eurogothic from Gore Pirates of the Caribbean Verbinski, this begins quite promisingly in a vein of deadpan camp – a mode which serves it well enough until it goes (almost literally) down the toilet. Lockhart (Dane DeHaan), a young, reptilian Wall...
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