by Martin | Jan 2, 2016 | movies, reviews
Director James Hogan’s film begins with an unusually delicate situation for a mad scientist flick – the heroine Isabel (Evelyn Ankers) has fallen out of love with the hero Ted (David Bruce). Isabel confides this melancholy fact to Dr. Alfred Morris, Ted’s...
by Martin | Dec 28, 2015 | movies, reviews
DER NACHTMAHR Not German for ‘nightmare’, ein nachtmahr is more like a thing from a nightmare, so the director – German artist AKIZ – tells us. In the case of his film that thing is a strange creature resembling a cross between Belial from Basket...
by Martin | Dec 13, 2015 | movies, reviews
THE INVITATION This showed (at the Vue Islington) in the Cult strand, but it deserves the widest possible audience. Struggling to get over the accidental death of his son two years previously, Will (Logan Marshall-Green) goes to a reunion dinner of old friends hosted...
by Martin | Nov 15, 2015 | movies, reviews
Not to be confused with a 2001 David Duchovny film I’ve never seen, Lucile Hadžihalilović’s second feature cranks the eeriness of 2004’s Innocence up a notch, coming on like an anxiety dream H P Lovecraft might have had as a child. On a remote...
by Martin | Nov 14, 2015 | movies, reviews
Jaco Van Dormael’s film might end up being remembered as the one where Catherine Deneuve sleeps with a gorilla, but that’s the least of it. Benoît Poolvoorde is God, a middle-aged slob who never leaves his apartment and spends most of his time on his...
by Martin | Nov 1, 2015 | movies, reviews
Indian horror films are hard to come by – and this isn’t one either, or not exactly. Nevertheless, Kothanodi (it means ‘river of fables’), a compendium of four interlinked folk tales from Assam, is almost grim enough to qualify. In the most...
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